
Using Seesaw to Support Transition


Dear Parents and Carers,

From Monday 29th June we will be introducing an app called Seesaw to support children’s transition to their new class. Seesaw is a popular and safe tool for families to use at home and it is already being successfully used by a number of schools in Newcastle. It is similar to the Tapestry app that is already used by children in Reception and Nursery.

Once you download and sign in to Seesaw, your child will be able to see a video message from their new class teacher, a letter explaining current arrangements for September and a transition passport with images of your child’s new class and information such as which doors to come through and where to hang their coat.

Your child’s new class teacher will then use the APP to send out some transition activities, the kind that the children would have usually completed on their transition day in school. Children will be sent one activity per week, for the last 3 weeks of term, which they are asked to complete and return via Seesaw and this will be commented on by the class teacher.

We hope that the children will be excited to meet their new teachers in this way and that this will give them some information and reassurance for September.

As we would like all of the children to find out about their new class at the same time, please download the APP and sign in with the unique code over the weekend. We will then upload class details, videos and materials from Monday. Your child’s unique code will be sent to you separately later on this week.


When your child signs into Seesaw they should only ever see their own work. If you have more than one child currently in school then you will receive separate, unique QR Codes so that they are able to access their own class. If you are using the same device for Seesaw, you will need to sign out after posting so that the next child can log on to post work.

To sign out of Seesaw:

  • tap the child's name on the top left of the screen

  • tap the toggle and then select sign out


To sign back in as a different child:

  • tap I'm a student and scan the next QR code


We are really looking forward to using Seesaw with you and think that it is a really exciting development to support transition. If you encounter any difficulties, then please contact us.

Thank you

Mrs Lamb

Miss Coughlan Computing Lead