Reception September 2024-2025

Dear Parents,


I would like extend to you a very warm welcome to Gosforth Park First School. We are delighted that you will be joining our Gosforth Park family and look forward to working together to ensure the very best start to your child’s education.


We would like to invite you to a New Reception Parents Welcome Meeting on Wednesday 19th June at 6.15 pm where we will provide further information about our school and your child’s start in September and you will be able to come and meet the team and have another look around.

There will also be a chance for you to enjoy a chat with each other and speak to staff about any questions you may have.  We will have some of our current parents available to talk to you about our wonderful Parent, Teacher and Friends Association. Our fantastic school cooks will also be there to discuss any dietary concerns and give you a little taster of what to expect if your child will be having school lunches.


We are planning to hold in-school transition visits in the week beginning 4th July.  This will give the children a chance to meet their new teacher and spend some time in their new class and outdoor area. If your child currently attends our Nursery, this visit will take place on one of their Nursery days during that week.  If your child does not currently attend our Nursery, we will be inviting you and your child to visit on Thursday 4th July, from 9.30 until 10.30.  Your child will meet our early years team and some of their new friends. 


We can’t wait to meet you all and welcome you, in person, to the Gosforth Park First School family.


Please remember that we are here to help and to answer any questions you might have at this stage. You can also access information about school on the school website. 

Kind regards


Mrs Leanne Lamb
