What is a PTFA?

PTFA stands for Parents, Teachers and Friends Association. We are a registered charity and all families of the children at the school are automatically members. The friends of Gosforth Park First School charity number is 1014640. The Association is managed by a group of volunteers with the support of our Head Teacher, Mrs Lamb. 

Our role is to encourage closer links between home and school. We are best known for our fundraising work through the organisation of fun social events. These events provide an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together. 

Who are our PTFA Elected Committee?



Treasurer: Jo Flinders

What value does the PTFA add?

The school receives limited money from the government. The extra money generated by the fund raising is essential.

How is money raised?

Gosforth Park First School PTFA events vary but the main ones are;  the Summer BBQ, Christmas events, movie nights, cake sales and discos. We are always looking for new fundraising ideas and anyone can submit and help to create them. Donations can also be made without any link to events.

How is money spent?

Funds raised by the PTFA are intended to provide ‘extras’ not already provided by the school's main income – often 'fun things' that make learning more interesting and exciting and our school special for our children. The PTFA committee decide how to spend PTFA funds following requests from the school.

What have we funded this year?

The money we have raised was spent in the following ways:

  • Year 4 leavers gifts

  • Rainbow Day (Inflatable fun!)

  • Books

  • Gardening Equipment

  • Author Visit

  • Christmas Tree

  • Prizes / wristbands

  • Subscriptions to Tapestry, Mathletics, Times Tables Rockstar, Sing Up and Purple Mash.

How can I be involved in my PTFA?

The PTFA committee has several roles. Parents can volunteer for these roles and are elected each year at the AGM. 

However there are many different ways you can help with the PTFA, whether you have lots of time to offer or not. If you can’t commit to a big job, look out for things you can do less frequently, e.g volunteering to help run a stall at the summer BBQ or donating cakes and prizes for school bake sales and raffles.

Being an active member of the PTFA may not be possible for everyone, but you can still make a difference.  You can help by...

  • Donating 'grown out of' school uniform to our second hand uniform sales

  • Registering for 'EasyFundraising' - a quick and easy way to get 'free' money for the school every time you shop.  Add link

  • Using our Smile account when you shop at Amazon - add link to go to AmazonSmile, look up our charity and each time you shop a percentage of your spend comes back to the PTFA - and it doesn't cost you a penny! 

  • Buying any books for your children through the Scholastic Books website - when you buy books our super library gets a selection of free titles for all our children to enjoy. 

  • Asking if your employer holds a budget to make donations to local charities. Many large organisations support a ‘matched funding’ scheme where if you raise money then they match it.

  • Making a one-off or regular donation to the School Fund

  • Asking friends and family who work in local businesses if they’d be willing to make a donation - we are always looking for prizes for our raffles!

Anything you can do will be hugely appreciated and you can always support PTFA events by simply turning up.