School Dinners
School meals are paid for via ParentPay. Costs are in the school newsletter and are available from the School Office. A week’s notice is required if you wish your child to change from dinner to packed lunch or packed lunch to dinner as the cook orders her food stocks in advance.
Free School Meals - Reception to Year 2
All children from Reception to Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal. Forms are issued from the school office.
Tots to Teams at Kingston Park sell our uniform. They are open all year round except for bank holidays and until 12 noon on a Saturday. A uniform flyer is available from School Office or phone Tots to Teams on 0191 271 5454.
Text Messaging
This facility allows us to text to one mobile number per family and it will be the 1st contact as stated on your GPFS enrolment form unless you advise the school office otherwise.
Change of Address/Circumstances
Please inform the School Office if you have moved house or changed your mobile phone number. It is important we have the correct phone numbers in case your child is ill and we need to contact you.
Friends of Gosforth Park First School PTA
We have a lovely group of parents who help to run
The Friends of GPFS PTA. If you wish to come along to a meeting and help at any events. Please leave your details with the School Office.
Parent/Carer Helpers – Police Clearance
The school office has DBS forms available. If you could let Mrs Lamb or your child’s teacher know when you would be available to help.
Nursery AM 8:50 am to 11:50 am
Nursery PM 12:30 pm to 3:25pm
Reception 8:55 am to 3:25pm