PE at Gosforth Park First School
Through P.E. we promote the core values of self-belief, teamwork, determination, honesty, passion and respect, in addition to developing a positive and competitive attitude towards sport.
Gosforth Park First School understands the key influence of the contribution of PE and sport to the wider health and wellbeing of our children. We also strongly believe that a broad, balanced high quality curriculum and extra- curricular activities have a positive impact on concentration and academic achievement.
At Gosforth Park First School we endeavour to engage as many of our children as possible in the widest range of physical activities and sports. Our teachers work hard to make sure that all children engage in at least two hours of high quality Physical Education every week.
Fantastic news everyone! It is with great pleasure that I am happy to announce for the second year in a row, our school has been awarded ‘The School Games Silver Award’.
Everyone at Gosforth Park First School should feel very proud of this fantastic achievement as this was a whole school initiative over the past academic year. To achieve this award our children participated in high quality P.E. lessons, daily physical activities such as the Daily Mile or ‘Go Noodle’, active lunch times and play times, active sports clubs such as dance, dodgeball, tag rugby, handball and football club.
We have also been committed to attending more sporting events such as, Healthy Active Lifestyle events, Gosforth Gets Going events, School Games events and the Newcastle Dance Festival. A ‘Personal Challenge Zone’ was also set up in the playground. This gave the children the opportunity to become more involved in skipping, star jumps and hopping challenges to name but a few!
Thank you again for all of your support!
Miss Walsh